If forgetfulness is a nick in the fabric of everyday life, Delores mends it with systems of reminders—a stitch for every challenge she faces. She acknowledges the limitations of her memory and is invested in completing those simple tasks that carry great importance to healthy living. Keeping things in plain sight is a helpful strategy for remembering everything from taking her daily cholesterol medication, staying hydrated, to bringing groceries home from the car.
Maintaining connections to the wider world is equally important to Delores. Lines of communication hinge upon the functioning of her mobile and home phones, so remembering to routinely charge those devices requires the development of routines aided by sticky note reminders. “If I [charge the phone] every day,” she says, "then that will help me to not forget until it gets down to the very lowest level."
A mail sorting system allows Delores to keep better track of her bills and, perhaps just as importantly, maintain participation in social and professional organizations such as the Philadelphia Alliance of Black Social Workers, of which she is a member, that bring continuity to a life that can feel fragmented by MCI.